Coldplay: learn more about the band that rocked the city

Coldplay returned to Brazil and performed in March 10, 2016, in Maracanã. To mark this visit, Rede Rio Hotels has prepared a special article to tell a bit of the history of this English band, to help you remember this show that was certainly unforgettable! Check it out:

About Coldplay

The English band began when vocalist Chris Martin met Jonny Buckland, in 1996, at the University of London. With Guy Berryman and Will Champion, they finished forming the band of four members.

They already have seven albums recorded and play, essentially, alternative rock. They began making success in 2000 and have since grown and accumulated many awards, millions of downloads, sold records and sold-out tours.

In Brasil

It was the fifth time Coldplay has visited Brazilian lands, the fourth time in Rio de Janeiro. The first was in 2002 with the tour of the album A Rush Of Blood To The Head. Tickets sold out quickly, showing that the band is a worldwide success. The last time they passed by was at Rock in Rio 2011 with the Mylo Xyloto album tour.

In 2016, the band returned to Brazil with the tour of the album A Head Full of Dreams and went through São Paulo on 07/04, at Allianz Parque, and  Rio de Janeiro on 04/10, in Maracanã.

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The show is over. And now?

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