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Street blocks in Rio de Janeiro’s carnival

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Thousands of people already are in Rio de Janeiro to enjoy one of the most memorable moments of the year, Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival. For you, a traveler, who’s staying in a hotel in rio, but don’t know in which street block will participate, where or when it will be… Watch out for our list of the main street blocks of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival in 2016. Check it out!

Main street blocks of Rio de Janeiro’s carnival

Downtown and Historic Center:

Cordão da Bola Preta

The Cordão da Bola Preta is the oldest street block of Rio de Janeiro’s carnival, which was founded in 1918 on Rio Branco Avenue, in downtown Rio. The anthem of the block is quite famous: A Marcha do Cordão da Bola Preta. Great option for you that is staying in a hotel in downtown rio de janeiro.

Location: Primeiro de Março Street, between Buenos Aires Street and Rosário’s Street.

Date: 06/02, Saturday of Carnival .

Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Carmelite Block

In a funny tribute to the convent of the neighborhood of Santa Teresa, Carmelite Convent, the Carmelite Block was created. They say that it all began when a nun jumped the convent wall in the Rio carnival and mixed with the revelers. Therefore, the participants wear a veil like that of the nuns. This is a great tip for those who are staying at one of the hotels in lapa Rio de Janeiro.

Location: Dias de Barros Streets, corner with the Ladeira de Santa Teresa.

Date: 05/02, Friday of Carnival.

Hours: 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

South Zone:

Banda de Ipanema

One of the oldest street blocks of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival, the Banda de Ipanema took the streets for the first time in 1965. Characterized by the suits and for pretending to play instruments, the block became famous for criticizing the country’s political moment.

Location: Jangadeiros Street, corner with Gomes Carneiro, Ipanema.

Date: 06/02, Saturday of Carnival.

Hours: From 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Sgt. Pimenta

The Sgt. Pimenta block was founded in 2010 and is one of the largest in Rio de Janeiro’s carnival. The block is famous for playing the Beatles’ songs in the rhythm of afoxé, marchinha, maracatu, funk and samba.

Location: Aterro do Flamengo, between Mam and Marina da Glória.

Date: 08/02, Monday of Carnival.

Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


The best of Rio de Janeiro’s carnival with the Rede Rio Hotels

With Rede Rio Hotels you get the best tips to enjoy the most exciting time of the year! We offer hotel options in downtown rio de janeiro and hotel lapa rio de janeiro to ensure you a great stay. Are you going to miss this? Contact us and make your reservation now!

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